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DONATING to HAUNT and Effective Altruism Australia and the Sticky Institute
100% of sales from HAUNT products will go to Effective Altruism Australia and the Sticky Institute.
This means that when you buy a HAUNT product, not only do you receive an original work of art, you're giving to save lives with one hand and helping to keep Melbourne's counter-cultural creative heart a-beating with the other.
The only money that will not go to Effective Altruism Australia or the Sticky Institute is for postage of physical items. If, say, you purchase a physical item (for example an LP, a HAUNT photobook) for $10, and postage is $3, then the $10 will go to EA Australia/Sticky and the $3 will get the product to you.
100% of digital product sales will go to EA Australia/Sticky Institute.
We here at HAUNT will not receive any money.
Transparency matters. This is how you can be certain your money is going to EA Australia/Sticky Institute:
When we have accumulated sales of $250, we will donate that $250 to EA Australia. When we have accumulated the next $250, we will donate that $250 to the Sticky Institute. We will make available a spreadsheet of the sales that have contributed to that $250, and forward a receipt of payment of the donation of $250 from EA Australia/Sticky. If you notice any discrepancies or errors, please let us know.
EA Australia and Sticky Institute have both endorsed this arrangement wholeheartedly.
Why Effective Altruism Australia? We selected EA because of their transparency, commitment to direct action and measurable outcomes in reducing poverty and health issues.
From EA Australia:
"Effective Altruism Australia is delighted to accept the generous support of HAUNT. Funds from HAUNT will be granted to our highly effective partner charities that are working on solving poverty and global health issues internationally."
Why the Sticky Institute? We believe the Sticky Institute represents all that is vibrant and important about Melbourne culture and counter-culture. It is wholly run by volunteers, and, much like HAUNT, opens its arms to creativity without prejudice.
If you would prefer your donation be directed to one organisation over another, let us know, and we will direct the funds accordingly. Otherwise we will split it 50/50.
If you would like to get involved with HAUNT, as an artist, musician or believe you could help in the production of HAUNT creations, please contact us.
If you'd like to add additional instructions or requests (specific albums, artists, etc.) with your donation, please do so after submission.
Thank you.
DONATING to HAUNT and Effective Altruism Australia and the Sticky Institute
100% of sales from HAUNT products will go to Effective Altruism Australia and the Sticky Institute.
This means that when you buy a HAUNT product, not only do you receive an original work of art, you're giving to save lives with one hand and helping to keep Melbourne's counter-cultural creative heart a-beating with the other.
The only money that will not go to Effective Altruism Australia or the Sticky Institute is for postage of physical items. If, say, you purchase a physical item (for example an LP, a HAUNT photobook) for $10, and postage is $3, then the $10 will go to EA Australia/Sticky and the $3 will get the product to you.
100% of digital product sales will go to EA Australia/Sticky Institute.
We here at HAUNT will not receive any money.
Transparency matters. This is how you can be certain your money is going to EA Australia/Sticky Institute:
When we have accumulated sales of $250, we will donate that $250 to EA Australia. When we have accumulated the next $250, we will donate that $250 to the Sticky Institute. We will make available a spreadsheet of the sales that have contributed to that $250, and forward a receipt of payment of the donation of $250 from EA Australia/Sticky. If you notice any discrepancies or errors, please let us know.
EA Australia and Sticky Institute have both endorsed this arrangement wholeheartedly.
Why Effective Altruism Australia? We selected EA because of their transparency, commitment to direct action and measurable outcomes in reducing poverty and health issues.
From EA Australia:
Why the Sticky Institute? We believe the Sticky Institute represents all that is vibrant and important about Melbourne culture and counter-culture. It is wholly run by volunteers, and, much like HAUNT, opens its arms to creativity without prejudice.
If you would prefer your donation be directed to one organisation over another, let us know, and we will direct the funds accordingly. Otherwise we will split it 50/50.
If you would like to get involved with HAUNT, as an artist, musician or believe you could help in the production of HAUNT creations, please contact us.
If you'd like to add additional instructions or requests (specific albums, artists, etc.) with your donation, please do so after submission.
Thank you.
100% of sales from HAUNT products will go to Effective Altruism Australia and the Sticky Institute.
This means that when you buy a HAUNT product, not only do you receive an original work of art, you're giving to save lives with one hand and helping to keep Melbourne's counter-cultural creative heart a-beating with the other.
The only money that will not go to Effective Altruism Australia or the Sticky Institute is for postage of physical items. If, say, you purchase a physical item (for example an LP, a HAUNT photobook) for $10, and postage is $3, then the $10 will go to EA Australia/Sticky and the $3 will get the product to you.
100% of digital product sales will go to EA Australia/Sticky Institute.
We here at HAUNT will not receive any money.
Transparency matters. This is how you can be certain your money is going to EA Australia/Sticky Institute:
When we have accumulated sales of $250, we will donate that $250 to EA Australia. When we have accumulated the next $250, we will donate that $250 to the Sticky Institute. We will make available a spreadsheet of the sales that have contributed to that $250, and forward a receipt of payment of the donation of $250 from EA Australia/Sticky. If you notice any discrepancies or errors, please let us know.
EA Australia and Sticky Institute have both endorsed this arrangement wholeheartedly.
Why Effective Altruism Australia? We selected EA because of their transparency, commitment to direct action and measurable outcomes in reducing poverty and health issues.
From EA Australia:
"Effective Altruism Australia is delighted to accept the generous support of HAUNT. Funds from HAUNT will be granted to our highly effective partner charities that are working on solving poverty and global health issues internationally."
Why the Sticky Institute? We believe the Sticky Institute represents all that is vibrant and important about Melbourne culture and counter-culture. It is wholly run by volunteers, and, much like HAUNT, opens its arms to creativity without prejudice.
If you would prefer your donation be directed to one organisation over another, let us know, and we will direct the funds accordingly. Otherwise we will split it 50/50.
If you would like to get involved with HAUNT, as an artist, musician or believe you could help in the production of HAUNT creations, please contact us.
If you'd like to add additional instructions or requests (specific albums, artists, etc.) with your donation, please do so after submission.
Thank you.