Ok, so here’s week five. By the way, you can jump into any week - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 - there are no rules...
Saturday April 25 2020 and Sunday April 26 2020This weekend a total write-off...maybe some pun intended as I am rushing to complete and submit an article. However, I did enjoy this new track from Jockstrap...
...and I did take a spin on bike and found this tree (or ex-tree) in a playground. Great shadows.
Friday April 24 2020Yes, things are slowing down a little. It’s hard keeping up with the demands of production, but I can confirm that these are coming along...
Thursday April 23 2020 Taking the day off to celebrate a milestone - my Mum’s birthday. I made a work of art once in whcih my Mum featured...
Wednesday April 22 2020
Today I made a very hot chilli chutney from these ridiculous chillis - Rocoto (or Capsicum pubescens). Apparently they are native to Bolivia and Peru. We seeded them, boiled them four times (in alternate salt and sugar baths) and they’re still luciferous. Be warned.
Another track I’m going to redo. From memory (it was a long time ago) I decided to call this South Australian Liberal Backbencher (circa 1967) because the voice of the narrator (singer) is a South Australian Liberal...you get the picture. But listening to it makes me wonder if I got a little confused. Doesn’t matter.
Tuesday April 21 2020 I’ve decided to take the archival work to the next level; dusting off some old tracks with a mind to ‘re-imagine’ them a là 2020 COVID style. First cab off the rank is this one - Lübeck and Schnappes, Glasneven and Whiskey. This is the original version recorded in 1997 as a point of reference.
As an aside - I’ve invited someone rather special to collaborate with me on the remake. This is exciting stuff.
Monday April 20 2020Now it has been hard work trying to find time to do much other than dig through archives or post the odd silly sketch, but I’m trying. I started some paintings today - oil on card. The colour is ‘Sapphire’ according to the tube, but, well, you might need to use your imagination. As they progress, I’ll keep you posted.