A.WEAR | music | about | isolato

The initial flurry gave way to a more measured response to the COVID19 Pandemic as the marathon|sprint narrative played out in my creative energy. As such, I would like to share some of the things I’ve been doing in the months since we last spoke... 

Left to right, we have
HAUNT - HAUNT 2016 EP. a reissue and remastered EP of the duo’s 2016 releases (including a cover of the Dead Kennedys ‘Moon Over Marin’)
ANDY WEAR - Kant, you’re nothing, a nobody. A 3-track experiment in sound
LINDSAY ARNOLD & ANDY WEAR - Never Not Now. A one-hour jazz/experimental odyssey recorded in AW’s bedroom in Hobart in 2008, re-visioned with the help of some digital enhancement via INA GRN Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris.
YOSHIMA PETROSYAN - YP. Yoshima’s first album finally mastered and available to download or own on cassette.
ANDY WEAR - for no stars wear a veilRecorded at Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (MESS) October 2018. Roland Jupiter 6 straight to tape (TASCAM Studio 414). Remastered and produced May 17 2020.
ANDY WEAR - wymn. A two-part improvised guitar project recorded on International Women’s Day 2020.
ANDY WEAR - HYNØRV. For those of you yet to explore the epic, 33’20 (33 and a third) minute track, take some time out...
I’d really like to promote and endorse Bandcamp - their ethos is sound and the platform is great. Have a look at my site on Bandcamp. I’d be most grateful if you could ‘follow’ me on Bandcamp, which I understand will involve signing up. The benefit for you is that you can start exploring the site; plug in your own musical preferences and see what comes up. The range is incredible, and largely independent and homegrown, and you can have a few free listens before being prompted to cough up (usually a measly few shekels for a digital stream/download). I promise not to bombard you with messages from the site, but you can always switch them off or unsubscribe.

Of course those first six weeks (1|2|3|4|5|6) are all there for the memories, so feel free to dive in to relive the good times.